Nelson Corner |

This design is for a 17-story tower to occupy the Southwest corner of the block on which the 45-story Nelson Tower is located. This new building will unify the corner of the lot and expand the area of Nelson Tower.
The lower part will consist of retail accessed from the street, and the upper floors will consist of commercial tenant space that will be joined to the space within Nelson Tower.
The exterior spandrel panels of the building will be faced with continuous LED signage, so that a single image will appear as ribbons extending the full height of the building, and wrapping around the 7th Ave. and 34th St sides.
The upper floors of the building will be articulated as two separate shafts, emphasizing the verticality of the Nelson Corner building’s form. These shafts will be clad in differing curtain wall materials and are intended to contrast with the brick skin of Nelson Tower.