Kingston Rondout Hotel |

This mixed use project involves the adaptive reuse of an abandoned meat-packing plant, located on a steeply sloping site adjacent to the Rondout Creek in Kingston, New York. Some of the existing monumental brick buildings will be reused and added to, to create a 200 room hotel, retail stores, including an antiques mart, 34 units of senior citizen's housing, banqueting facilities, restaurant/bar and other commercial space.
The buildings are arranged to take maximum advantage of the dramatic site with stunning views of the Hudson River Valley and mountains, as well as to connect the development to the historic Rondout area of the town.
The hotel follows the slope of the hill, overlooking the Rondout Canal. The housing and retail components of the project are located at the top of the slope adjacent to an existing urban area. Parking is provided both under the building, in the original basement of the plant and in terraced parking spreading down the hill. The bulkhead would be developed to take advantage of the considerable boat traffic on the Creek, which connects directly into the Hudson River.