110-120 East 76th Street |

Designed as a row of thirteen brownstone townhouses in a neo-Grec style by Augustus Hatfield in 1883, six of the row survived into the twenty first century. The facades of these townhouses, at 110-120 East 76th Street, have New York City landmark designation, although the townhouses behind the facades had decayed to an uninhabitable condition and were permitted to be demolished.
The Landmark Preservation Commission approved design calls for the construction of three grand modern townhouses behind the restored facades, each townhouse being double width. The restoration of the facades would include new entrances appropriate to the scale of the residences, new front yards, fences and steps, and a new one story penthouse addition on the roof setback from the façade and not visible from the street.
The rear facades are to be completely new, as are the townhouses themselves, although the rear facades refer to the memory of the original six structures, but overlay on this reading the design of the new three residences. The three townhouses will be distinguished from each other by varying amenities and overall style in the interior design.